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How to Create a Self-Care Routine

Self-care doesn’t have to cost a thing—it just takes intention. This guide is all about creating space for yourself. Because you should be your first priority.

💡 Important: You don’t have to do all of these things. Just pick one that feels good to you and commit to it for seven days. Get consistent. See how it shifts your energy. Then, add more if you want—but start where you are.

And if you need deeper support in setting boundaries, building a sustainable routine, or figuring out what self-care really looks like for your life, let’s talk.

1. Airplane Mode

Let’s start here, because whew. I sleep with my phone. I work with my phone. I play with my phone. Sound familiar?

But every summer, I take a social media fast, and let me tell you—it’s cleansing. Now instead of waiting for a full detox, I build in smaller breaks. At least an hour a day, I unplug. No notifications, no calls, no texts. I go into airplane mode—literally and figuratively. Because for that hour, I don’t owe anybody anything but myself.

Try it. The world will be there when you get back.

2. Prioritize YOU

Listen. You should be the first thing on your to-do list. Periodt.

3. Go Balls to the Walls

I once heard Myleik Teele say, “Going balls to the walls is self-care.” And I felt that.

Here’s what I took it to mean: Go all in. When you work, work. Give it your full effort. Handle your business so when it’s time to rest, you can actually rest. No guilt, no “just one more email,” no unfinished tasks looming over you. Work hard. Rest hard.

4. Quiet Solitude

With noise comes commotion, and commotion breeds stress. So take some silence where you can get it. Shut your door. Sit in your car for a few minutes. Linger in the bathroom a little longer (yes, I said it). Even just five minutes of quiet or meditation can help reset your mind and body.

5. Step Outside—Let the Sun Touch Your Skin

Walk around the block. Sit on your porch. Stand outside for a few minutes and breathe in the fresh air. Clean air revives you. And let’s be real—vitamin D never hurt nobody. HELLO MELANIN!

6. Breathe With Intention (No, Really)

Throughout the day, check in with your breath. Are you breathing fully? Or are you low-key holding your breath, full of stress and anxiety? (I used to do this all the time without realizing it.) When your breathing is in rhythm, you are in rhythm.

7. Move Your Body—In Whatever Way Feels Good

I’m not saying you gotta hit the gym. I’m saying move. 5 mins. 15 mins. 30 minutes. Anything. Stretch. Dance. Walk the mall (even if it’s just to window shop). Laugh. And yes, my personal favorite—have some good, safe, consensual sex.

8. Establish a Morning & Night Routine—Bookend Your Day

Plan out a wake-up and sleep schedule that works for you.

9. Slow Down

Be in a hurry for nothing.

This one’s hard for me because I can be impatient. But when I prioritize myself and plan my mornings, my days feel smoother. I move through life with more peace, more joy, and more clarity.

10. Listen

Feed your mind and spirit with things that nurture you:

  • Listen to a podcast.
  • Watch a YouTube video that feeds you.
  • Create a self-care playlist.
  • Call someone you trust and be heard.

11. Boundaries (The Most Important One!)

This is where it gets real.

If someone is unhealthy for you, it’s time to stop letting them have access to you. Yes, even family. Especially family.

Block them. Mute them. Unfollow. Protect your peace at all costs. And don’t feel guilty about it. People will figure out their own boundaries once you enforce yours.

📩 Let’s connect:

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